Companion products

Below is a brief description of the QPSMR Companion suite of programs. In order to see details of the latest Companion products issues, please visit our Known problems page.

Link to the Companion on-line manual

For access to further manuals and materials for download, please visit our Resources section.



For paper, CAPI and CATI surveys

Easy to use questionnaire set up

Data collection, import, export, weighting, etc

Powerful analysis and reporting

Companion is a Windows program for Market Research, that uses the .Net Framework for speedy and reliable results. There is also an Android Input program available.

In addition, Companion can be used for processing satisfaction surveys, product tests, advertising awareness, business-to-business (B2B), mystery shopping, panel research, quality control surveys and social and opinion polls.

Furthermore, survey results can easily be imported from on-line surveys.

In addition, there are various Companion licence versions:

Please see the following link for information about Companion’s free to use facilities, which do not require a licence:


Free-to-use Companion

To see information about the standard Companion licence , sometimes referred to as Insight, please visit the following:


Standard Companion

The following link directs you to information about the Extended Companion licence which, at a small extra cost, contains some specialised facilities that are useful for large or complex projects:


Extended Companion

In addition, the CATI Companion includes all the Extended Companion features and is an ideal telephone interviewing solution, including sample management, quota control and appointment handling:


CATI Companion

Companion Reflect

Companion Reflect

Licence free

End user analysis for project managers and clients

Powerful cross tables formatted as required

Include new filters, variables and statistical tests

You can download the Companion Reflect program as well as produce Excel tables from Reflect databases. For further information on the Reflect program, please visit our:

Companion Reflect Product page

Companion Input

Companion Input

Licence free

Easy to use, fully controlled data collection

Includes checking, randomisation, and filtering

For paper surveys and CAPI using keyboard or mouse

Use in-house or by outworkers/data entry companies

The Companion Input for Windows and Android programs are licence free and you can use them to enter data from paper or during a CAPI interview. For further information on the facilities in the latest release, please see our recent posts.

Windows version

Input can handle any number of users accessing the same file. It has locking mechanisms to prevent more than one user trying to change the same serial number. In addition, Input has full facilities for data entry, verifying, updating, deleting, and changing serial numbers. 

Input windows download page

Android version

Input for devices running OS version 6 or above. Furthermore, operators only use the Android input program for entering data. Also, the Input (Android) will automatically upload collected records to an FTP site.

Android download page

Classic version

Companion Input has replaced QPSMR Input.

In addition, for telephone interviewing (CATI – Computer Assisted Telephone Input) you will require a Telin licence.

Companion Licensing

For further information about Companion licences, please visit our Licensing page. Alternatively, you can email the Companion’s authors (further details are on our About page), or please visit our Dealer page on the website.

CL (Command Language)

QPSMR CL Classic (command language)

Powerful programming language

For experienced spec writers

The Command language is one of the leading scripting systems for cleaning data. In addition, the program includes a preprocessor and all the formatting and data manipulation facilities needed to produce tabulations from Market Research data. Furthermore, the program is fully compatible with the Companion programs.

The Extended Companion software includes all the CL Classic command language features.

Please email the Companion’s author’s (further details are on our About page), or visit our Dealer page on the website to obtain a licence.

Link to the QPSMR CL on-line manual

Telin (Companion CATI Input)

QPSMR Telin Classic (CATI input)

Comprehensive telephone interviewing solution

Able to use INVADE PDS (predictive dialler) & other diallers

Able to use TAPI to dial numbers

A data entry system for telephone interviewing.  Furthermore, Telin can only be used with a Companion CATI licence and includes all the facilities of Input for other types of data entry.

Please email the Companion’s author’s (further details are on our About page), or visit our Dealer page on the website to receive the software.