Companion statistics calculations
The statistics formulae and calculations used by QPSMR Companion for significance testing in tables and drill down can be found in this document
Figures included in the calculations
Most of the statistics are based on a single column or compare columns of a table using the rows as follows:
- Statistics only. The table accumulates the necessary figures from an integer or float (floating point) value. You can use the accumulated values for the calculations. Furthermore, if you have respondents with “Undefined” values, Companion will exclude these altogether.
- List all rows. The rows are a list of all the values found from an integer or float value. You can use the values for the calculations. If you have respondents with “Undefined” values, Companion will exclude these altogether.
- Score values. The rows are single-coded or multi-coded responses with score values assigned to them. You can use the score values for the calculations. If you have any respondents with no score values (for example DK/NA rows), Companion will exclude these altogether.
You can suppress the rows that you use for the calculations (format NDIS). However, you cannot produce some statistics (formats MED, ILE, ILL, ILH) from accumulated figures in a “Statistics only” table: you will need a “List all rows” table. In addition, you should also use format RNA.
Significantly, all the formulae use the real figures calculated for the table, not the printed figures that may have been rounded.